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Safa Elouijdani

Safa Elouijdani



My landing on the artistic scene is the fruit of an academy journey. The world of mathematics and physics reassured my existence bringing me a logical reflection: a thesis and hypotheses. When I understood that man is not the result of a constant logic but of a cultural and psychology have helped me better understand this complexity. My encounter with art was when I started studying architecture. There, I understood my being and my future. My freedom and my achievement. The history of art was the linchpin of my initiation. I was seduced by the character of Caravaggio both artistically and personally. It is this complex man that I seek in my work. Both dark and angelic. Perspective, light and dark.
My artistic representations are a dance with oneself. A bodily expression, a pleasurable act renouncing any kind of understanding but nevertheless thematic. I am in love with the notion of the conscious and the subconscious. It is an interpretation.
Music accompanied by an expression of the body. Topics like mythology and theology add a lot to my research. To my explosion.
My art is a trance in colors. Art helps me breathe.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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