Johanna Elbe
Artist born 1984, Växjö Sweden. Higer education: Studied Art at the University of Växjö in 2004-2005. Teachers degree advanced level for upper secondary school in Art and Mathematics 2008.
Exhibitions: Monaco Art Fair, 27-29 of August/ World Trade Center Växjö, 16th of August til 3rd of September/ M.A.D.S. Art Gallery Milan, 9-24 of September/ Artportable Stockholm, 7-20 of March (2022). Biography: I create art to balance my inner self, a much needed respite and a way to find calm in the chaos of life. My own experiences and need directly translate into my art. An aesthetic fusion that, with its stripped-down simplicity and restful elements, invites the viewer to reflect and meditate. To take a breathe as they look upon a painting while getting lost in it. For years I have tried to solve an insoluble puzzle. As a wife, a mother of two, the financial manager at the family company, a mathematics and art teacher at a national boarding school and the project manager at home, I strive to always perform my utmost in everything I do, putting others and everything else before my self. As a result som parts of me are broken due to stress. The mathematician in me see it clearly, how the equation doesn’t add up. So in between the gaps of living, the artist in me keeps the equilibrium of sanity. This is me picking up the broken pieces and the result is my Japandi Art Series..