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Kathrin May

Kathrin May




Kathrin May is a German artist, born in 1978 in Georgsmarienhütte and she is a self employed textile artist and designer. She did a semester abroad at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris and graduated from the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, a well known art academy. She did an internship for the Puppet Animation Film Studio of Berlin and has exhibited her artworks on several occasions such as the Classic Open Air Festival Event on Gendarmenmarkt, the ,,NudeIn” Photos at the Galerie am Wasserturm and in galleries like Update Gallery in Bonn and Galerie Serpil Neuhaus in Gütersloh.


“Celebrating Nature!”
Everything I do is strongly linked to my passionate connection with nature and its surroundings. Nature has no boundaries, which constantly inspires me. Nature is forever changing, always discovering itself in new ways, adapting to environments and moving in the circle of life. I have become a peaceful observer and enjoy every brief moment just before everything around me changes. Working with different experimental techniques and also paying great attention to working with coincidence as an important part of my work , the reason being for me is to feel the essence of nature. In addition to this foundation I experiment with colors, shapes, textures and materials until I discover my own inner truths.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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