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Morphée motion
Lina Khei

Morphée motion



Title: Morphée motion
Year Completed: 2023
Size: 1080:1920px
Technical: AI programming, 3D modeling, Blender software

"MORPHÉE" is a collection that revolutionizes the interaction between conventional art and technology. Lina Khei adeptly transposes her expertise, drawn from various artistic disciplines, into the digital realm. "MORPHÉE" offers an innovative reflection on the complexity and diversity of the human spirit, illuminated through the lens of digital art. In crafting this brand-new collection, Lina Khei employed a diverse range of technological tools – graphic design software, computer programming, 3D modeling, virtual animation, and artificial intelligence – to create dynamic three-dimensional artworks. These pieces, far from being mere representations, embody the depth and boundless potential of the human mind through a play of textures, colors, and materials. The female figures, which hold a predominant place in her traditional art, reinvent and transform themselves, epito-mizing the dynamism and depth of the human psyche... The "MORPHÉE" collection is more than just an exhibition; it's a captivating journey into the crossroads of art and tech-nology, unveiling a new dimension of the artist's work.

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