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Ciao! I’m Tathina based in Japan and India. I have had cancer and experienced the death of my younger sister at the same timing in 2004, since then I started meditation. I visited India in 2010 and participated in an art workshop. Through the workshop and staying in India, I felt my life energy started to revive. Since then, I have been attending meditative art therapy training in In-dia every year as a staff member. (2012~ ). Art speaks to our hearts. By hanging art on the wall in a room, I feel that the place gains power and a protective barrier can be created. Nature, pas-sion, music, dance, emotions, and what is born through my body with them. I call it "Tathinart". It happens naturally, not as an act. In the progress of creation, I witness a being appears from the artwork. With such a being, I go back and forth between light and darkness, integration happens, and then the being notifies the completion of the work. I would like my work to be the "guardian", "protective barrier", and "window connecting someplace for him or her and deliv-ering them to the people all over the world. Also, I hope my work will help people remember their own light and that will illuminate the mother earth from their places. Sometimes I go to Eu-rope. Every time I am inspired by the scenery, nature, and colors that are different from Asia. The scenery and even the smallest things that are taken for granted when they live is special scenery for me. I would like Europeans to see my work of color which is a mixture of Japan and India. I believe when the east meets the west, there is a new color will be born. 2016.12~ 2017.2 Group exhibition “HANA” at Cherrir cabre in Tokyo / 2018. 8: Order drawing session - Event “Inner world of your face” / 2019.11: Handmade notebook “ The Book of secret” - Event “ Cul-tural Festival for Adults” in Shibuya / 2019.12: Exhibition of works - Group exhibition & work-shop “ DARUMA ART (Organizer: LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE) “ in Yokohama / 2020. 8: Exhibition of works ” Breathing with Flower” - Art project “ MASK BOOK SPECIAL COVID19” / 2020.10: Exhibiting photos of works ” Breathing with Flower” - ORGANIC LIFESTYLE EXPO 2020 (#MASKBOOK booth), Tokyo / 2020.10: Exhibition of works ” Breathing with Flower” - on MASKBOOK ART OF CHANGE Official web, France / 2021.3: Painting " My picture book” was accepted for Kawasaki City Art Exhibition / 2021.4: Exhibition & Craft Workshop "Tathinart Wonderland vol.1 ~SORA” in Kanagawa / 2021.12: Registered as one of the members of artist in Meet Up ECoC / 2022.3: New creation “Acrylic Art Series “ now on sale / 2022.3: Internation-al Contemporary Art exhibition “ NFT - NEW FREEDOM THINK” in M.A.D.S. Art Gallery in Mi-lan, Italy and Canary Island, Spain.


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