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Nicolette Van den Hadelkamp



Nicolette Van den Hadelkamp Nicolette van den Hadelkamp is an artist living in The Netherlands. Born and raised in a large family of entrepreneurs. Growing up in the middles of a family business made her resilient and independent. She could always find her peace with some paper and pencils. In 2018 Nicolette decided she was totally ready to lift her art to the next level and signed up for an intensive year at the Milan Art Institute. Her skills improved and she connected with other artists. As a young free spirited woman she felt restless and ready for some adventure. She started travelling to different countries all around the world. These life changing travels still have a big influence on her art. In the middle of the Andes for the first time she got to meet her true self. After some big experiences and lessons about love and herself, she felt empty and exhausted from life. Nicolette started elevating herself, giving up everything that weighs her down. That is where she found her way back to art. It started as a way of healing herself but she also felt deeply that her voice has to be heard in the world trough art. In that way her art can heal collectively. Her artwork and personality are like a wild flower coming to bloom. Feminity, introspection, empowerment and transformation are keywords for her paintings. Nicolette firmly believes in taking full responsibility for yourself and loving yourself deeply, will set you free and make a better world. Nicolette wants to awake people with her art, inspire them to follow their dreams and step into their destiny. Nicolette’s studio is located in the centre of the Netherlands, in Utrecht. And her second studio is located in Ouddorp in nature and close to the beach. In her studio she currently works on several series of artwork . She plans on exhibit her work and inspire people all over the world.


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