Eric Lee
Digital Artist
I'm a digital artist from Northbrook, IL. I am well-known for my digital artworks embodying contem-porary abstract and surreal design with vibrant color. Although I was born with speech and small mo-tor skill disability, I have always been aspired to pursue excellence to my best ability and have found my place in the world through art. I began my lifelong passion for vivid and abstract imagery as a youngster with a paintbrush in an art class, where the instructor encouraged me to learn Picasso’s ar-tistic skills.
In each of my artwork, I utilize various powerful tools in the Adobe Suite to digitally paint and deliver distinctive artistic effects. My artworks are often inspired by my diverse passion for nature, animals, lyrics from favorite singers/music bands, and rich images embodied in classic Chinese poems and Asian culture.
As a fervent animal lover, I often incorporate many endangered animals, horses, popular dog breeds, and cats into my artworks. The unique integration of beloved endangered animals in the contemporary and abstract setting has inspired art connoisseurs.