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Brad Sane

Digital Artist


Brad Sane is a contemporary British Surrealist. He has studied and achieved first class Honors and Distinction level awards in the Universities and colleges of Nottingham, Der-by, and Liverpool. Sane’s art is diverse in the materials and forms he undertakes to create literary and visual art. Digital collage, oil painting, performance art, poetry and installation are all strings to his creative bow. The themes of his art revolve around the absurd tragedy of existence and the marvellous way subjectivity is shaped, altered and destroyed by tragedy and Surreal art; allowing objective trues to be buffered and contemplated by the sensitive mind of the human.

Brad Sane declares himself a contemporary surrealist. He asserts that the arts and actions he manifests are all focused on one truth. That the reality we humans thrive in and wish to maintain, is a subjective veil. A tragic play in our egos multiplex cinema of the conscious, the Apollonian mind. The objective absurdism of reality is made beautifully clear through Surrealism and the Marvellous. An art and literary aim to slash open the veil of our subjec-tive egotistical mindscapes. The Marvellous is the moment when our view of reality is broken by contradictions. The uncanny being the most vibrant and the one that can take the most forms, or as Freud put it ‘The uncanny is the only feeling more powerful in art than it is in life.’ So, whether through word, action or visual, Sane’s desired outcome is to search for, manifest and manipulate the moments that warp our mundane egotistical views of existence into the moments dubbed by the early Surrealists as the Marvellous. Eruptions of the dreamlike, uncanny, chance encounter, automatic and absurd.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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