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Patricia Denis Titeica



Patricia Denis Titeica Patricia was born on 13th of March 1971 in Patirlagele, a small Romanian village situated near to the former border between Transylvania and Walachia, two of the three main regions of the country, first daughter of Ana and Petre Titeica, a young loving couple, careful parents and respected professionals. The premature father’s death at the age of 32, throws her mother in a long mourning, which will force Patricia and her younger sister Mercedes to achieve a faster maturity. The mother loved painting and during the darkness of the husband loss and long sleepless nights, she painted mostly Transylvanian landscapes, flowers and byzantine icons. Patricia refused any kind of approach to her mother passion, as it all remembered pain. She used to say “I’m not even able to draw a cap”. In 1989 she became a Mechanical Engineer (Heavy Equipment) graduating from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. Right after the graduation in July 1994, she will emigrate to Italy as the winner of the international fashion contest “The Look of the Year” held in Bucharest. Fashion lifestyle was not easy for a young girl with eastern Europe origins, but Patricia’s independent nature prevailed over fear, insecurity and sometimes frustration. She decided to study and in 2001 she obtained a second Mechanical Engineering Diploma (Power Plants) from the Polytechnic University of Milan, a reason to be proud of, seen all the sacrifices she made for herself and family in all the years abroad. In 2007 Patricia founded PETRIS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, a Global Engineering & PMC Services company. The strong technical background, the multilingualism, the natural ability to switch environments and a strong desire to fulfil the career aspirations, will allow her to leave behind the international corporation jobs and finally embrace her dream: she will establish her own company at the age of 36 and she successfully continues on this path. She had a troubled love life but in 2018 Fabio came along. He has seen a small painting she made one year earlier, expressing all hear dreams. He immediately brought her to one of the painting articles shop in Brera, the old Milanese city. With an easel and the basic colours, she finally started to approach oil painting. Today she can’t live without it and she tries to find a daily balance between the responsibility for Petris and the passion for painting.


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