Hiroki Ogata
Mixed Media Artist
Born in 1982 in Iwate, Japan.
From his childhood, he knew that he loved to draw.
From around the age of 6 until about 12, he was in the age of copying.
After the age of 12, together with leaving precision drawings, began to draw what he wanted.
Thanks to art, he went on to high school.
However, his inspiration and desire for music started to come out strongly and he started a band.
While listening to rock, metal, and loud music, he also sang and listened to Japanese pop mu-sic.
In 2000, he entered a music school.
While learning the smell of all kinds of culture behind the music, he also carved guitars, de-signed costumes, and lived his life with a sense of fascination, he lived his life with a sense of fascination.
This was the beginning of a design period in which he began to write down the ideals he want-ed in his imagination.
Around 2010, he started “Youen”, an accessory brand with curved line motifs.
Also a cat motif accessory brand “nike-neko” which started in 2011.
The world of silver accessories that he saw during his music period is the basis of this brand.
In July 2023, he held his first solo exhibition "Possibility" in Asakusa, Tokyo.
Since 2011, Hiroki Ogata has long been presenting his work in the world of products,
From 2019, he has started to transmit his works in the world of artworks.