Lori Carlson
Lori Carlson Lori Carlson is an abstract and mixed media artist from Wisconsin, United States. She studied art minimally in her undergrad years, as her main focus was training as a classical musician. She is first and foremost a musician and violin teacher, and her years as a string player in symphonic orchestra influence her abstract work in an unquantifable way. Between sounds, music, colors, and gesture she has mixed forms of synesthesia, seeing one color palette for Mendelssohn that is nearly opposite that of Dvorak. She does not intend to make musical paintings or think in sounds, but her paintings have been described as musical by some. Most of Lori's abstract work has some loose structure or free form pattern, colors composed together by their rhyhmic connections in the space. Her main objective usually begins with a color or a simple palette, and a wish to compose and little world for these colors.Whether in music or art, she thinks in colors and gestures, so she paints for the joy of it; to feel freedom of her ideas and happiness. Lori has had her photography published in one small American journal, and helped organize a continous art fair in her local communitiy. As a founding member, she participated two years before selling artwork at a local gallery, and on her own, as she has had items available.