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Anne Turlais

Anne Turlais



A desire to bring meaning supports a singular work, listening to nature. The eye is called upon, as we can be in front of a landscape: by the softness, the light, and the beauty of the colors.
Anne draws her inspiration from nature, which appears to her to be the mother of beauty and generosity. It is a sensory language that travels to the heart, without first resorting to intellectual or artistic references. In search of light, transparency, depth, and softness, she lays the first layers of white on the canvas like a dawn of the first days.
With more than 40 years as a painter and engraver, she discovered the iPad in 2016 as a new medium for creation. This new approach to art allows her to capture nature's beauty in the pre-sent and perpetuate her commitment of giving the public a sense of openness, space, and light. Three non-palpable, non-quantifiable, non-visible entities to which she wishes to get as close as possible.
Through her compositions, she wants the spectator to set his sight and thoughts in the most intimate direction, in the direction of the heart, and thus confront a more universal gaze.
If you are drawn to the living, light, and colors, her art will resonate with you.

Private collections:
France, Belgium, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Japan, Ireland, Russia, Artothèque du Lot

Personal Exhibitions:
· "Secrets de jardin" 75020 Paris - June 2019
· “The 4 elements” Toulouse / Paris - March- April- May 2019
· "Aubes" - Donjon de Bassoues- May- June 2018
· "Women Expose Themselves" - Galerie Wam / Cahors - March 2018
· "365 days of Art-4" - Galerie Artes / Paris - January 2018
· "365 days of Art-3" - Galerie Artes / Paris - February 2018
· "365 days of Art-2" - Galerie Artiempo / Toulouse - December 2017
· "365 days of Art-1" - Galerie Artiempo / Toulouse - November 2017
· “Inhabited landscapes” - Ankh'art Gallery / Lavaur - April 2017
· "365 days to the present" - Galerie Beauvoir / Paris - September 2016
· "Souffles" - Artiempo / Toulouse Gallery - April 2015
· "Morning of the World" - Galerie Artes / Paris - September 2014
· "Unis Vers, the Uni- Galerie Frangylan / Paris - October 2012
· "Morning of the World" - Art Filler Gallery / Brussels - May 2012
· "Passages" - Galerie Vagante / Marakech - December 2011
· "Presence in the World" - Galerie Metanoïa / Paris - September 2010
· "Immanence" - Galerie Alain Godefroid / Brussels -July 2009
· "Galets" - Contemporary Art Center / Cajarc -June 2004
· Espace 154 Fbg St Antoine / Paris - January 1994
· "Dry pastels and engravings" - Galerie Desauverzac / Figeac- September 1993
· "Work path" -Oils mounted on wood "/ Church of Saint Cirq Lapopie - September 1989
· "We must leave time to time" - Salle Balène / Figeac - April 1989
Group exhibitions:
· Space Point of view / Lauzerte - June 2017
· Salon d'Art / Toulouse - October 2017
· Salon d'Art / Toulouse - October 2015
· Art Fair / Valence d'Agen - October 2012
· Open doors Ateliers / Ivry sur Seine - September 2012
· Chateau Laveaux Saint Anne / Belgium - October 2011
· 340 Gallery / Toulouse - June 2011
· "Gleams" / Church of Banon - August 2010
· Salon Le Saga / Paris - 1994-1995-1996
· The month of printmaking / Paris -1996-1997-1998
Works, catalogs, and artist's book publications:
· Edition L'Harmattan- Cover of Michel Cosem's book "The words of the round moon" -March 2017-ISBN: 978 343 11341 8
· Edition du Cerf- Cover of Charlotte Jousseaume's book “Quatuor Mystique” -February 2017-ISBN: 978 2 204 11714 2
· "These Artists who chose the lot" - Annie Briet- 2010-ISBN: 978 916534 78 7 -Editions Mémoire Vivante-Texts by Francis Gueury- Soft sizes by Anne Turlais-60 ex-2001-ISBN: 2 903011 35 4
· "L'Estampe en France / Thirty-Fours Young Printmakers" - Published by Inter-American development cultural center-1999
· Editions alternatives- "Guide to artists' studios in Paris" -1998-ISBN: 2 86227 149 7
· Artist's book "Du sol au ciel" - Texts and woodcuts by Anne Turlais-80 ex-1995
· Artist's book "Tête-Terre" - Texts and woodcuts by Anne Turlais-70ex-1993


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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