Emelly Velasco
Title: Kamal Formato: 1m x 1.20 m Técnica: Óleo, acrílico, hoja de oro sobre Tela “KAMAL” THE POEM – EMELLY VELASCO You have filled me with your virtues, I carried your absence to the point of pain, until I got to know myself while I forgave you for not being without knowing that in your womb you opened a long and beautiful life path for me, landscapes that began with a huge passion that led you to stars, fluids and looks. While you exploded again and again between the sheets, sweat and uncontrollable perfumes for the man you decided to live in you for nine months, you filled with his cells, exploded in his universes and made a supernova that they would not know anything about her future until he gave her a name, face and personality. So wide, so brave and transcendent, a supernova is born from the womb of a great star, between glances at the sky eight years of joint joy until your departure home, you were stardust again. I keep talking to heaven, I keep looking at your face in my face, I keep living you in flesh and blood with the voice of my father and the love of heaven. Many wanted to replace you, how to achieve it if you are ethereal, beautiful and wonderful star, at times I hear your voice and I know of your Marchessini signals, only you make me smile and I know that you were present when I saw that mandala when I opened the portal to which it will be my offspring. Do not lose yourself in oblivion, once again allow the largest cell of your being to inhabit nine cosmic months that are not even a second for the universe, keep opening places, keep expanding your orgasms, in your passion and pleasure I live like a dream wet of life in love. How sacred is your passion that can give life I understood your absence because you always exist and in each cell I keep you, in the gaze of my now daughter, we were both born again my uterus, your uterus and hers they are oneself and it will continue to be through descent that freedom of being, passions, orgasms and planets conspire to make it so ... Otherwise, there were only three of us, the perfect triangle my beloved star, now I paint our fertility, desires, symbols and passions, that sacred tantra that levitates me when loving. - "KAMAL" Memory to my mother. Written by Emelly Velasco Artist: Emelly Velasco