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Let go of fear
Petra Jaenicke

Let go of fear



Title: Let go of fear
Year: 2022
Size: 80 x 53 cm
Technique: Digital multi-layered photo

“The three submitted artworks belong to my current series ‘When live became elusive’. My art-works deals with processes that challenge life through the dissolution/changes of habitual fe-male living conditions and the irritations that arise from this, as well as the need to deal with them and to regain courage and hope. In addition, as Gerhard Richter says, "Art is the highest form of hope" and it is precisely today what we urgently need. The doubling of the female figure and sometimes her simultaneous negative and positive portrayal lets the naturalism of the im-age fade out while at the same time enhancing its‘inherent meaning. By superimposing many re-alities, I open up the possibility of playing and experimenting with them.”

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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