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Yolene (real name Inès Pelletier) is a young artist at the start of her creative journey. Having grown up across several countries including Reunion, France & Portugal, and on the eve of a move to Istanbul, she has retained from her childhood a love for travelling and discoveries, which inspires her work today. This cultural openness is apparent in her paintings - vivid and colorful, intense, and vibrant: they reflect Yolene's fondness and curiosity for the world that surrounds her. Architecture and societal movements from the 60's and 70's, fashion and history are all topics that Yolene is passionate about. Her paintings dis-play her love for joy, and the importance of living things intensely. All are painted in such a way as to allow the viewer to interpret each work personally, according to their own individual lived experience, through the lens of her generosity.

Artist Statement:
"For me art is a way to touch souls and humans. Indeed, I think it is a way to confront each individual to deep and rooted feelings/thoughts that they may had buried or erased of their memories because it was linked to things that was too hard to handle. Anyways, I want my art to be before all positive and enriching for each look it will touch. When someone will watch at a paint-ing, I do not want to provoke a negative feeling of course, and if unfortunately, so, I want it to be always good and helpful for the person that will watch it. I think art must always be a way to know yourself deeper and is a way to express/feel things everyone is able to feel and that deeply provokes something in your soul and will make you grow and evolve in a good way. Finally, I think the principle of ´art´ shouldn´t be private and accessible to a little circle of people.... We are all humans, and we are all mortal creatures so there´s no way your ´social condition´ and luck will define your bond and sensitivity to the art field.... For me the real concept of art will always be a motor for all types of people and will be able to make and provoke a good evolution on each living souls on that planet earth"


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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