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Kemono Gallery

Kemono Gallery



Painter kemono gallery
1982 Born in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
In 2004, he suddenly had a mysterious experience of receiving a blue-white light that seemed to be a sign. After that, he began self-taught creative activities such as painting.
The motifs of his works are often wild animals, of which the Japanese serow is a special one, an animal that symbolizes himself.
It has been close to me since I was a child, and depending on how you look at it, it looks like a god or a devil, like nature itself, a mysterious being.I believe in the creation of ke-nomo, harmony, coexistence and equilibrium among all living things. I think that is very important. The animal is not a tame animal, but a wild and powerful animal. They are not tame animals, but animals that live wild and powerfully, and they are the gods of the land. Or, it can be a deformed being like a demon. They are beings that cannot be described in one word as animals, and I call them kemono. I continue to use art to get closer to this goal.

2014 Japan Art and Design International Foundation, JADIF, nominated as a member

Solo Exhibitions
2014 SEA SIDE GALLERY exhibition, Miyagi Japan
2016 kemono gallery Kuroi kemono shiroi ningen exhibition (SEA CANDEL COFFEE), Miyagi Japan
2017 kemono gallery No10 no shizuku exhibition (SEA CANDEL COFFEE), Miyagi Japan
2018 kemono gallery in TAIPEI "Wriggling Beast" TAV cafe in International Art Village, Taipei Taiwan
2019 kemono gallery <Seraphim> Fierce Angel Flesh, Iwate Future Organization Mita House, Iwate Japan
2021 kemono no dachi exhibition Iwate Japan

Group Exhibition
2014 JADIF Selected Exhibition, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo Japan
2015 JADIF Selected Exhibition, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo Japan
2016 JADIF Selected Exhibition, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo Japan
2017 Senmaya Honmachi Art Festival Senmaya Honmachi Shopping Street, Iwate Japan
2022 Cross Over Japanese Art Collective Bangkok Thailand

Collaboration (design, live painting, etc.)
2004 ~ Vol 11 chalumnae 3D Fes live paint Miyagi Japan
2004 Shanarishana Shanarism CD jacket design Tokyo Japan
2014 - 2015 Exhibition of paintings Date Festival Miyagi Japan
2014 - 2015 Exhibition of paintings and installation of driftwood easel in the booth Date Festival Miyagi Japan
2015 Driftwood easel exhibition OHARA BREAK FUKUSHIMA Fukushima Japan
2019 Collaboration of Painting and Butoh, Kyoto International Butoh Festival, Kyoto, Ja-pan
2022 In depth into the deep exhibition, Former Ishii Prefectural Government Residence, Iwate, Japan

2014 JADIF Award (JADIF)
2015 JADIF President Director Award (JADIF)
2016 Council Award (JADIF)

Ongoing projects
2017- Executive committee member of Senmaya Honmachi Art Festival. Opened his own atelier and gallery in the same shopping district.
2018- International exchange between Taipei and art (playing a bridging role).
2021~Initial Gallery started handling works.
2022 - 2023 - Preparing for an art project in collaboration with a major company in the Kansai region.
Designing and selling T-shirts, hoodies, and other garments.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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