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Yukari Blair

Yukari Blair



Bio and Artistic Statement

I have travelled to about 20 countries and visited cities and villages all over the world.
I am particularly fascinated by Italy, which I have visited four times. I have been moved by the beauty of Italian cities and villages,
Which are still majestic after hundreds or thousands of years.
It was the first time I was moved to tears.

On my second trip to
Italy , when I visited Rome again, the earth suddenly shook in front of Bernini’s sculpture, and I feld dizzy. I was amazed by the influence of art.

In 2015, on my third trip to Italy, I travelled alone through southern Italy.

And it was on this trip to Southern Italy that I had the most wonderful experience.
The people I met on my trip were friendly and helpful.
They welcomed and congratulated me, a complete stranger,
I felt the joy of being born into this world from the bottom of my heart, something I had never experienced in Japan.
This experience made me realise that I don’t have to try to be something I’m not, that I’m already great just the way I am.
It also made me realise that I, and everyone else in the world, is already great just the way they are, and that everyone is unique and valuable.
When I realized this, I felt every cell in my body rejoice.
I wanted to tell this with as many people as I could.

In 2019, my father passed away.
The death of my father led me to go to school for psychology, where I had the opportunity to draw with crayons.
I was fascinated by the colours and nostalgia of crayons, but most of all by the joy of expressing myself through drawing.
I started to draw with crayons the landscapes that touched my heart during my travels around the world, and the cats I met in Italy.

And although I have seen many of their works in museums, my favorites are those by Basquiat and Marie Laurencin. I found that I liked their original style, drawn in a childlike way.
Their paintings influenced me and convinced me that if I painted in my own original style,
I could convey the importance of individuality that I felt in southern Italy.

I decided to show, through my paintings, that everything we are born with is a unique treasure.

I have never studied painting and I never will, That’s why
Therefor I believe that I can convey what I felt in southern Italy: that people are wonderful just the way they are.
Everyone is wonderful just the way are.
That’s why I paint.

Activity history

Year 2019 
Dreamscape of Omi exhibition 
Online radio "Dream no Tane" station
Guest appearance on "Non-chan and shall we dance".
Art shop at an event in Omi Hachiman city.
Art shop at an event in Moriyama city

Year 2020
AAA Gallery 
Pastel & Vivid Exhibition 

Gallery GEORGE
The 2nd National Cat Exhibition
Yukari Blair's first solo exhibition at a Santai137cafe
Gallery IYN
"Miyabi - A person who looks good with Hakutsuru sake"Exhibition
Award of Excellence


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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