Sireen Khalifeh
Sireen is an emerging Palestinian contemporary artist based in Dubai. The Palestinian struggle stands as a great source of inspiration and her growing body of work reimagines narratives from Palestinian culture and heritage. Her work gives homage to her lost home-land but also moves beyond it. Sireen works directly from a free instinctive and intuitive place. The main influences come from looking at early primitive art, African sculpture, tex-tile design and Abstract Expressionism. Her paintings reflect a sense of freedom and spontaneity and usually depict imagined worlds that draw from reality, but with exagger-ated renderings of light and colors. The paintings are more whimsical than serious, more light than dark, and generally nostalgic in themes. They mostly depict simple reflective moments in life: sitting under a tree, reading a book, or looking at an orange grove. For the love of painting.