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Niko aka Dionyss

Niko aka Dionyss



Niko aka Dionyss Biography: The starting point for me was getting a camera as a gift from my uncle in 2018. In late 2018 I started manipulating photographs with a program on my smartphone before switching to programs on a computer. In autumn 2019 I had the opportunity to exhibit in the gallery „Alte Vogtei“ which was my first exhibition. The title was „Träumereien“ which translates to „reverie“. When the decision was made that I would exhibit there I started my Instagram Account in order to have the opportunity to share my Art with more people. Before that it was just a very private thing to me which gave me a lot of joy. Artistic statement: The reason why nature plays a big role in my pictures is that I realized that I have lost enthusiasm for my surroundings. I didn't seem to have that special curiosity that you still have as a child. I am sure that it is not just me that things are taken for granted in everyday life. Be it trees, water or animals. These things seem to lose their magic as you get older. You have seen them a thousand times and that's why they become something natural ormal. But nothing that surrounds us can be taken for granted! The nature motifs are only an allegory. The intent to testify can also be applied to other things, such as friends and family. With my pictures I want to rekindle the enthusiasm I was talking about.


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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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