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Expressive EEG series 1
Bora Aydintug

Expressive EEG series 1



Title: Expressive EEG series 1 Artist: Bora Aydıntuğ Year: 2020 Concept: Created with the artist’s brainwaves Format: Digital image Digital dimensions: 1800x2880 (144dpi) Sold as: Digital Print The pieces are the results from Bora Aydıntuğ’s project; Experiments in Expressive EEG (2020). The images aren’t data visualizatios, but rather results of a series of phenomenological experiments about expressive representation of the inner. Aydıntuğ connected an EEG headset to a visual program he has coded, in order create digital artwork in realtime. Throughout the experiments, he created visual art with open eyes, eyes closed and a mixture of both. He relied on memories, positive and negative emotions, various contemplative practices and curiosity. Artist: Bora Aydintug

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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