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Stephen Paré

Digital Artist


Stephen is a digital artist living in Houston, Texas, USA. He is the son of a nuclear physicist and a learning disabilities teacher. He grew up in the East Tennessee hill country.
Stephen’s images owe as much to the traditions of painting as they do to contemporary digital techniques; as much to the touch of a finger as they do to automated processes; and as much to storytelling as they do to patterns and abstract designs. His titles are essential elements of the artworks, and many of those titles have expanded into flash fictions and longer stories. He has written a book of about 125 stories and 500 images, entitled The Avid Diver.

Some of his ‘digital paintings’ are being represented by Kirsten Keagli Consulting, in Zürich, Switzerland. 2022 appearances of his artworks include at the Pocket Art Gallery in Rome, Euro Expo Art at the Vernice Art Fair in Forlì, Italy, the MEGA Art Gallery in Corchiano, Italy, and others. He will have a piece at the Captaloona Gallery in Madrid in June.


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