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Michal Avrech

Michal Avrech



I paint beloved and familiar landscapes from my immediate surroundings and the north of my country, at different seasons and times. The thinking is influenced by the Impressionist current, whereby the painters repeatedly painted the same places at different times while expressing their feelings.
I often work in my studio, sometime using a photo file that I took outside, as an inspiration combining landscape details from several photos and creating one painting. Sometime I draw from my memories, sometimes I create sketches in the area. Thus I create a kind of fantastic, imaginative landscapes with large and fast strokes, without careful planning, like a painting in the consciousness of a dream, in the colorfulness of the most intense which express my energetic character . I create mainly on medium and large canvases, sometimes the painting is on one surface and sometimes it consists of several adjacent surfaces, where each part can be a work in itself but also be part of a larger work, a modular work, consisting of a variety of parts that create large physical spaces. Like endless panels. This is how I manage to express a sense of space, breath and freedom that I especially crave due to my daily pursuits as an art therapist with at-risk youth..
I often paint in strong and optimistic colors that also give me a sense of hope, joy and vitality, daring and energy, while reflecting on my inner world. I try to convey these feelings to the viewer so that he can see the reflection of his inner as well as the outer world. The landscapes are a kind of general generic landscapes so that a viewer can find his own landscapes in them..
Recently I have been painting abstract and completely imaginary landscapes, sometimes combining texts in works, which also deal with questions about the creation of the world, understanding order from chaos that corresponds with the Covid-19 period as well as dealing with longing for my beloved family and friends through new content in paintings childishness, gameplay, illustration, and wellbeing. The Covid-19 that changed world orders changed the routine reference and the topics of my work as well as the sizes and surfaces on which I create. Small sizes due to the feeling of closure and suffocation I felt at the beginning of the Covid-19 I was able to create on small canvases and gradually as I felt more optimistic I went back to creating on medium and large canvases as usual.

Michal Avrech Bio
Michal Avrech is an international artist based in Israel. She has B.A in fine arts and M.A. in art therapy, both from Haifa University. She works as an artist and also as an art therapist with youth at risk. She is a member of the Israeli Professional Visual Artist Association, a member of the INT Association of art and a member of the Jewish Art Salon, the largest Jewish global artist association

Michal exhibited in many local exhibitions, as well as in Europe and the US. She is represented in Europe via Paks Gallery, by curator H. Playner.
In the US, her participation in Art Fair is via Sarona Gallery
· Art Spectrum Miami 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021
· Art Expo Las Vegas 2018
· Art Expo New York 2018, 2019,2021
· Art Expo San Diego 2019

In Europe, her participation in exhibits include:
· MAMAG Modern Art Museum, Lower Austria, via PAKS Gallery, curator Heinz Playner 2021.

· Art Fair Venice 2021, curator Guilla Tassi
· Florence Biennale, 2021 , curator G.Cordonni
· Infinity Dreams, online exhibition, 2021 , team curator CAC Magazine.

· Paks Gallery, Munich, Germany , curator Heinz Playner 2021. Future exhibition
· Fiac event. Carrousel du Louvre via Paks Gallery, curator Heinz Playner 2019.
Personal interview in the louvre
· Carrousel du Louvre via Paks Gallery, curator Heinz Playner 2021. Future exhibition
· The Blue Bird Gallery Tel Aviv ,curator Sara Raz. Future exhibition.
· The Bauhaus Gallery Tel Aviv, curator E. Rozenberg 2021
· Artisttable Gallery ,online gallery, curator Tali Farchi & Roies , 2020
· Atelier Montez Gallery, Rome, Italy, via Prizma Art Prize, Curator Marco Crispano.2020
· Carrousel du Louvre, Art Shopping, FIAC, Paris 2019 via PAKS Gallery, curator Heinz. Playner.
· Contemporary Art Curator Magazine -
· Marziart international Galerie, Hamburg, Germany, 2019, curator Marion Zimmermann.

· Contemporary Venice', Venice, Italy, curator Itsliquid Group, 2019
· ledioscope of Life, Moscow, Russia, curator I. Shoval 2019,
· Israeli Contemporary Artist Exhibition, London, England, curator Rami Azzam, 2018
· Florence Biennale, curator Prof. Giovanni Cordoni, 2021.
· Infinity Dreams, on line exhibition Contemporary art Curator, 2021.


· Judaica in the spotlight Art Magazine 2021

· Collector Book New Perspective by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine 2020
· Judaica In The Spot Light website , Interview by Sara Sussman 2020
· Artist table interview in their website 2020
· Modern art masters in complex du Louvre 2019 , curated by Hienz Playner
· Contemporary art curator
· Kann Magazine 2018
· Israeli Television TV channel 12, 2018
· Israeli Art Collection Book, by Stemazky 2016.
· Path of Clouds children book by P. Marcus illustrated by Michal Avrech 2013
· Dino and Dina in the zourous Land by P.Marcus illustrated by Michal Avrech Stemazky Publishing 2012
· The Path of Verse by P.Marcus illustrated by Michal Avrech Pardes Publishing 2011

Awards :
· One of the finalist of Prizma Art Price 2020

· Artisttable woman mention award 2020
· Contemporary Venice 2018


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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