Ann Larlov
I am a self-taught Belgo-Swiss artist, born in Belgium in 1971. Today I live in Spain, in Andalusia, in the province of Almeria, whose wild, deserted, sun-drenched landscapes best inspire my main theme which is Freedom. It is this guideline that guides my brush in my works, which I want to be poetic and often naive in order to convey my emotions as best as possible, to free my soul through various media and techniques, such as acrylic, which I like to use in my western series because of the more "pop" colours, or watercolour, which I practice by gluing the different pieces and saturating the colours to the extreme. I also explore oil, whose colours are so sensitive to light variations. I like to create mini-series between three and seven paintings to tell an adventure, because at the same time as a kind of magic, I inscribe my story of conquest of my freedom.
There are many women represented in my paintings, because they are the guardians of certain moral values which are in perdition in this world in full renewal and where the human being seems always frozen as if time had stopped in the time without faith, nor law, of the far-west.
I wish to transmit to my public, through my drawings, my paintings, my colours, this opening towards this new world, freer, more just, because Art awakens and reveals souls to humanity,