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Title: RASIN
Year: 2023
Size: 35x35cm
Technique: Digital art

What world are you looking at? Where is reality? This world is a reflection of the very world you see. The world outside of yourself is very difficult to see in the loop of social life, and it doesn't work well with daily work and stress. But the truth is, seeing the world outside of yourself is easy if you change the channel or mode. Just like reading a movie or a book, images can make people happy. No money is needed. Let's create an environment where you can have a good merge. My paintings will help you create an environment where you can create good images. Just by looking at them, I move you from the stage of reality to another layer. Then you will receive a great energy from the painting. Imagine a world as free as the picture. Then rewrite your mental profile freely so that your life becomes joyful. No one will be angry with you. Your body will be at ease, and as the days go by, your true nature will be revealed. Who are you?

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