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Cécile Coënt

Cécile Coënt



Cécile Coënt Cécile Coënt was born in 1970 in Toulon, in a family of musicians. At an early age, she expressed herself through drawing, reproducing the illustrations of her readings as a little girl. With the support of her close circle, she starts studying at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, but only for a short period, because of a lack of financial means. There she learned the basic techniques and discovered painting, which she will explore yearningly in all its forms: watercolor, oil, tempera, and acrylic. Originally from Corsica, she also captured in her drawings and paintings the wild beauty of the island, where the colors (ochre, blue) fuel her imagination. As an adult, it is during difficult times that she expresses her need to paint. While working as a nurse, her daily life caring for sick people inspires her to become an Art-therapist, to combine art and care. She explores her artistic sensibility at the Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, caring for the elderly. She lets go of representational art and focuses on abstraction and the spontaneous expression of her emotions. She paints around thirty artworks within 2 years, most of them being currently displayed online on the Art-majeur gallery. Cécile Coënt is a modern painter who uses the fluid ink technique to express her glaze to the world, infused with her life’s hardships and encounters. Inspired by the American action painting, the artist combines simultaneously the behavior of the material with the gesture and the intuition. By juxtaposing the materials and the colors, the paintings of Cécile Coënt let us imagine and have a glimpse at a set of multiple scenes. To complete the paintings visual and title, the artist will look for other words in the literature: “Les toiles des mots” as she calls them, are compositions that follow poetic ways, to open the glance on other perspectives. Her process blossoms in a privileged time and space frame, where she pursues her intuitive and delicate art. She constantly seeks discoveries and reinvention, to meet the eyes of the other .


More info

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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