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Eyes of the Moon

Eyes of the Moon



Cristina Bazán Sánchez (Eyes of the Moon), Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), Spain. She stud-ied Art History at the University of Seville. She then studied a master's degree in Art, Mu-seums and Historical Heritage Management. She exhibits in several international galleries and competitions such as the Luxembourg Art Prize and the TRiCERA Art gallery, among others. There is no exact date in which she can define her training as an artist since she has done so since she can remember. She has been painting in oils since she was 16 years old, being, effectively, self-taught. She does not come from a family of artists, but, despite her passion in the field of painting, she considered that her search for the essence of what art is, she would find in those who dedicate themselves to studying this discipline and not in those others on how to make it. Be that as it may, the external knowledge of art behind the gaze of all artists throughout history, has allowed her to drink from the es-sence of all of them, to apprehend them; and far from being an eclectic, she is able to de-velop a totally original style that makes it unique in the world.

Artist Statement:
Although my presentation is as an artist, my basic training is not Fine Arts, it is about Art History. There is no date that I can delimit in a few lines about my artistic training itself because I have been making art since I can remember. I am self-taught. I paint in oils since I was 16 years old. I do not come from a family of artists, but despite my passion in the field of painting, I considered that my search for the essence of what art is, I would find it in those who are dedicated to studying this discipline and not in those others on how to make it. Be that as it may, the external knowledge of art behind the gaze of all artists throughout history, has allowed me to drink the essence of all of them, to apprehend them; and far from being eclectic, being able to develop a totally original style that makes it unique in the world. As artistic principles:
-Externalize what is inside you; She wants to offer people a happy, positive, and fantastic vision of herself and the world, because she believes that there is already too much pain and suffering to think about it continuously.
-Primacy of color over drawing.
-Use of bright and contrasting colors.
-Use of a line with a slight “naïf” touch with the intention of creating sensations for a more diverse public, both in age and in artistic taste.
-Use of large amounts of paint to create volume and texture contrasts. The intellectual explanation of this principle would be to highlight the value of painting in today's world and the lack of it.
-Frequent use of symbolism, sometimes forming an allegory that knowing how to inter-pret it, explains the full meaning of the work.
-In female representations she usually shows her internal moral philosophical ideology, she continuously looks inside the human being and responds with continuous gratitude.
-In short, unlike the nineteenth-century romanticism with the I stunned before the magni-tude of the power of nature, she would be her own romantic vision of the 21st century, the strength of the I before the vision and understanding of the Self.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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