Diane Kuster
Diane Kuster I spent the first years of my life in West Berlin, where my parents romped through the scene in the days of songwriters and colorful clothes. I spent my childhood on adventure playgrounds and enjoyed the anti-authoritarian upbringing in the divided city. What was to become of me? Social worker or freelance artist; today i am both. Back in the west it went first to Hamm and then to Soest. My eye and feeling for harmony was shaped by my father, who was a photographer. For many years I basically moved with the darkroom and the beloved Nikon is still often my companion today. In Soest, well-known artists such as Hans Kaiser aroused my curiosity and the desire to try it myself with brush and paint. But it was not until the 90s that Hannelore Busch, D ü sseldorf artist and master student of Beuys and Grote, gave me the impulse to paint freely. Today I find myself in abstract painting again and have the necessary self-image to fill large canvases. My work lives from my passion: light and colors.