Aniki Wesnæs Jørgensen
Aniki Wesnæs Jørgensen
I was Born in 1964 and grew up in Elsinore, a small port town in Denmark. Already as a child I traveled a lot. My parents divorced and my father worked abroad, where he took me on several trips. Among other places, from Alaska to Mexico, and Norway. On the travels, I experienced a lot, which provided inspiration for painting and drawing.I did not have a camera with me, so in-stead I became good at observing what I saw. I have been painting since I was very young, and have been working with oil paintings for the last 30 years, developing and experimenting with my own style. As I have grown older, I have continued to seek new inspiration from new journeys.
The long working hours that my work often go through are due to a techniqueI have developed, to find deeper into the inner soul of the work. Into the heart, where the work hides its secret, where the imagination lives. The work itself helps to show the way. There are many layers of paint and motifs, each of which has helped to create life and dynamism. At the same time the work are refi-ned, and adventurous colors and structures emerge. This is an important part of the overall expression that is created in the painting. The painting technique itself is done with a fixed fast and rhythmic line, which gives an attractive cohesive force, while maintaining the balance in the image in the same workflow. It is a process that I have developed over many years and is the explanation for the long period that can go from a work start up and to reaching the sublime completion of the result. For each layer applied, it is a process in which I search deeper into the paintings own identity.Therefore, the works are created in a way where I can not predict where or when it will be completed. Often I thought a work was finished, but after some time I saw a new inspiration with it. It is a slow road and every painting is deeply felt and filled with love. I hope you can see and feel it