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Adela Osmani



I’m Adela Osmani, 23 years old. My connection with art began 15 years ago becoming much stronger artistically everyday inspired from different things. I started studying architecture, 3 years art design in bachelor and master for interior design (architecture)
In every panting there is a piece of Adel! I am starting it off like this because each of my paintings has a spiritual connection and not only a chemical one.
My goal is to transform
energy and emotions into pieces of art like a movie scene that I continue to think and study until i finish just like a movie. It is not only the colors that make my pictures attractive but also the technique i use: body, mind, energy. I worked for 10 years on normal paintings with pencil and paper but for the past 5 years i am happy that my art is dedicated to senses and parts of the human body to make a painting that includes me in the lines of colour and the elegance on the canvas.
A personal exhibition in Paris, and another in a group at the Carrousel de Louvre selected participants from all over the world.
“Artists give people something they didn’t know they were missing“


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