Colleen Carstensen Peterson “CECE”
Colleen Carstensen Peterson “CECE” Artist Statement: My art is a reflection on the trials and tribulations I have experienced through life. My intention is to reveal the struggle and loneliness but also the strength of womanhood. My bold color palette in creating the female form represents light, shadow and space and becomes a harmonious dance on canvas. Each shape and stroke representing the big and small events in life. My artmaking process thrusts me into a place where I can truly realize and celebrate the growth and progress made from believing in myself and proud of who I have become. BIO: Having always known that she was here to do great things, Colleen Carstensen Peterson aka CeCe, made it her life’s mission to help others see their strength through their trials and tribulations. Something she was infinitely familiar with from being diagnosed with dyslexia at age 8. CeCe took on this obstacle head-on creating “Accentuate the Positive” program. Her advocacy for those with learning disabilities helped crown her Miss Teen United States in 2001. Life trails continued with the loss of her brother from an accidental drug overdose at age 25 which was then followed by years of infertility but eventual birth of her son whom was unexpectedly severely disabled and medically complex, nonetheless an absolute gift of joy. CeCe continues to trailblaze from her trials and tribulations by creating the non-profit Children’s Organization of Lending Equipment, helping disabled children get the adaptive equipment they need. CeCe had the great fortune of training with Figure Skating Greats Nancey Kerrigan and Scott Hamilton. As an Olympic trained figure skater her training included studying art pieces, classical music, ballet and artistry in motion all with the goal of telling a story on ice in four-minute programs, a key force that helped her work become what it is today. A collector once brilliantly said “sit, stare and watch…. like her 4 min programs on ice as a figure skater, you can see the story unfold of a woman filled with emptiness, despair and loneliness transcend to volition and utter strength. CeCe’s ability to create such emotional movement is unparallel to anything else I have seen.”