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Benjamin Robinson

Benjamin Robinson



Being able to create is one of my favorite escapes in life. I have been creating art almost daily since I was about 5 years old. I was an autodidact artist for the longest time, until I was in my late 30’s and decided to take a few college art courses at Illinois Central College. For my work, I mainly use acrylic and spray paint. The art I create can be described as eclectic in stylization and composition. And I absolutely love color. Probably too much. My work could be defined in the realm of Pop Surrealism mixed with abstract expressionism. Anime and graffiti stand out the most as my core influences. Music, (mostly rock) is what I use to drive my flow of creation. I almost try to capture the energy I feel from certain music and it seems to come across visually through energetic brush strokes or stark color changes. My process is kind of scatterbrained I must admit. I tend to work on at least 3 projects at a time. I get bored easily and meander with some projects If I’m trying to produce a new technique, generally with acrylic thickeners and thinners to get different depth and effect. I freestyle my pieces for the most part though. Through this approach and with the combination of listening to music a piece will form quite quickly and sometimes not so much. I generally spend a few months on each painting. My paintings have been shown in a handful of shows in the cities of Fresno and Sacramento, California and Peoria, Illinois. As of the last few years I have resided in Washington, Illinois. I was born and raised in Fresno, California and spent the majority of my life living between Fresno and Sacramento, California.


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