Miki Kanda
Graduated from Musashino Art University
After graduating from Musashino Art University, I majored in graphic design and day play design, and worked in the advertising department of a publishing company and a depart-ment store. After graduating, she worked in the advertising department of a publishing company and a department store. After 10 years of experience as a designer, she switched to Fine Art.
Member of Action Art Association
Member of Japan Artists Association
He has been active for more than 20 years, exhibiting both in Japan and overseas.
The most recent is
2021 First Prize, Salon d'Automne 2021, Paris
2021 Behavioural Art Association, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2022/2 M.A.D.S.Mirano FKU Exhebition
2022/5 Solo exhibition at Yu Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan AQUA SPIRAL