Layers of life
Sandeep Soni
Layers of life
Title: Layers of life
Year Completed: 2023
Size: 90x60cm
Technical: Acrylic on canvas
The human mind carries intricate connections to the unknowns in form of various layers. The layers fall into three main groups ; consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness. While consciousness helps the livings to see what is in front, unconsciousness is a dive into the unknown. The subconscious layer is our dream state where are partially aware. The subconscious layer carries secrets and memories. These secrets and memories keep on breaking the levee and come out in forms of emotions, actions and reactions. The secrets and memories also break into unconscious layer time to time, modifying the deep character. This artwork shows how are evolve every moment and never the same as before. Its our determination, choices, action and reactions which decide whether we keep these layers in a smooth laminar flow or we lead them into a turbulence.