Erik Mofjell
Digital Artist
Erik Mofjell is a self-taught artist from Sweden who creates his pictures with digital methods to create sceneries which only can be find in the world of imagination. By putting many digital pho-tographic pieces together and then edit beyond recognition a transformation takes place, from real reality into imaginary reality. The pictures are figurative and symbolic, and he sees them as stories rather than pictures. Every picture has a story to tell but their meaning is not always evi-dent, rather enigmatic. It is up to each viewer to interpret and read the pictures in the viewers own way. His overall artistry is dealing with human smallness versus time, nothing and no one can resist the passing of time and the effect time has upon everyone and he sees beauty in aging and decay as it has a collected wisdom of life, a collected story. He is a professional musician in Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Sweden and as such he finds inspiration to many of his pic-tures. Music and picture-making are intimately associated.
Artistic Statement
I see my artworks as stories, stories about time and humans and how they interact. The pictures also consists of metaphors where e.g. a building with a dilapidated facade acts as a metaphor for a human. You see the facade but you don’t know what’s inside, what’s behind the facade. You have to go inside, in fact you want to go inside. I am asking questions through the pictures but I don’t give any answers. I have chosen these pictures for the theme since I appear in every-one, not in person but as metaphors.