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Tania Tais

Tania Tais



Tania Tais Born in Germany in 1979, from an Italian family, soon moved back in Italy, in Rome, as a child. Grew up in Rome, studying and working since early teenage years. Started her artistic path, as a self-taught, in the early 2010s, exploring different styles. First moved her first artistic steps through Abstract Expressionism, to then moving to Abstract Art, which is the main core and inspiration for her current artistic artworks. Art and paintings are her way to express her inner feelings, to give shape to the pain and emotions of her past and of her daily life. After the passing of her mother, she decided to take her mother’s last name as artistic name, to honor her memory and her fundamental role in her personal and artistic life. Her main artistic references are Jackson Pollock and Vasilij Kandinskij.


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