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Pernille Young

Pernille Young



I use silence to express myself through images, through which I enter silence. Silence is for me the space where there is a need to express something for which it is difficult to find words. That silence reflects nature. It is in nature that I find my inspiration. In what is decaying, in what is small and apparently insignificant, in what is not immediately considered beautiful and precious. I love to zoom in on small details on a large scale so that the beauty can shine through. Colors, shapes, and structure are my language, and it is taken directly from nature. Nature is represent-ed through my senses, emotions, perceptions, and experiences. Sometimes it becomes a longer study in certain forms, other times in particular structures and I often have periods with the same colors recurring in different ways in my paintings. I paint with acrylic colors, different types of chalk and pencil.
Often on canvas, sometimes on mdf panels and acrylic paper. There may also be images with collage layers.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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