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discover the best artworks by selected international artists.



Art Mediator, Advisor, Dealer, Seeker.

M.A.D.S. is a decentralized reality, able - thanks to the use of a digital set-up that has distinguished it for years and of which it was a pioneer - to operate in international territory without constraints of cities, locations or other. From all over the world, M.A.D.S. is able to organize digital events and put them at the service of all users because they are fully accessible remotely, going to cover no longer a small and limited physical audience, but an unlimited international audience. The user is able to visit our exhibitions directly from his living room, from a chiringuito on the beach or wherever he is, simply with a click. The works of art are visible thanks to augmented reality. M.A.D.S. detaches itself from the logistic concept, from the exclusive use of the historical headquarters bases and opens up more and more exclusively to the world, always covering different and new scenarios. All of this, always operating in mixed reality, that is to say, offering the realization of services through existing concrete spaces, not designed (as in virtual spaces completely fictitious and rendered), offering our own equipment and guaranteeing a team of professionals at the service of the artist: not avatars or robots, but adequately trained, competent, specialized professionals in constant study, research and updating to offer you a service of the highest level (such as webmaster, graphics, photographers, video reporters, art curators, art director, commercial director, communications manager, mediators, advisors, dealers, seekers).

This is our evolved vision of gallery, with one eye to the future and the other focused on the needs of the present, without constraints, aimed at practicality, immediacy and certain benefit for the artist. We abandon physicality, eliminating unnecessary high costs for the shipment of the artworks, packaging, insurance, customs, time and bureaucracy, as well as protecting and safeguarding their integrity. We abandon the concept of limited entry into physical spaces, in which it is often difficult and burdensome to take part (travel expenses, food, accommodation, restrictions such as during the pandemic). We eliminate all these obsolete, archaic "passages" to give space to more important things, that is to dwell with more attention on the artworks and on the artist, focusing on the "substance", on conceptuality, on the artist's experience. Our events are and will always be available, for everyone and everywhere. A real evolution for the art market.


The digital set-up of M.A.D.S foresee the use of the very latest technological, digital and instrumental discoveries: among them, screens full hd vertical and horizontal size from 50" till 85", video projectors and touch screen monitors, virtual reality viewer device and many more to come. This is the reason why M.A.D.S. is also a totally INCLUSIVE gallery: there is no work of art that it cannot exhibit. Everything can be hosted whatever its format, its size, its support, the material from which it is formed.

Thousands of artists from all over the world have been finding for years, in M.A.D.S., the answer to their needs: exhibition, curatela, advertising, marketing and promotion, aimed to ensure a long-lasting visibility on a worldwide scale.




Please write us by mail or use the form below specifying the reasons for the request

Milan, Italy - Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain
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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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© 2023 website by Simone Segalini

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