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Sergey Kalagur

Digital Artist


I was born in a city called Stakhanov on the 6th of July, 1987. Now it is occupied by the Russian aggressor's territory. I got my basic first & middle school education there and moved to Kharkiv next. Where I have received a diploma as a specialist in tools for creating and editing multime-dia after graduation from Kharkiv's National University of Radioelectronics. Now I'm based in Kyiv and want to spread my geographical involvement. My love for creating art started when I was studying in middle school. Back then I was mostly tinkering around applications to create abstract visuals that looked out of this world. I've always loved surrealism, both as an art movement and a thought process. Studies of Leonardo Da Vinci and Salvador Dali and their thoughts and principles in arts and science made a really great influence on my mindset and vi-sion of the decomposition of arts. All of my basic knowledge in visual disciplines I had received while attending courses of graphic design at the beginner school (these were CorelDraw, Pho-toshop, etc) & basic 3D modeling and motion too (3D Max). Also, I took first place in a local 3D graphics competition dedicated to the interior design of a future computer classroom. Mean-while, I was studying a package of other cool applications to make pixel/vector and 3D art. The next relevant or professional step was finishing the courses in 3D design at the university (Auto-desk Maya). Then, I had a long break-up for 16 years. My resurrection as a visual creator started from the purchase of iPhone SE back in 2019th and my interest in mobile photos and new hype visual phenomena for that moment was a 'glitch'. And I am obsessed with it till now. Currently, I use my old iPhone SE, to capture photos of the environment that I find inspiration in and then add multi layered glitched 'universes' to it by using my software tools. Now my app arsenal consists of 3+ different mobile applications for glitching + Photoshop & Cinema 4D. I've been experimenting with analog painting (oil, acrylic, varnish, texture paste, facete lace), mixed me-dia, installations, and other art forms. My latest stylistic achievement is artworks, prints, or paintings with AR layers because I consider that in 2021, we are having endless opportunities to create multidimensional ART masterpieces and visuals. For the period of my latest research in arts during the past 2 and a half years, I took part in several small local exhibitions and Arte DONNA '2020 in Terni, Italy. And selling my artworks as prints on different online platforms.

Artist's statement:
I want to strike a balance between classical methods and techniques in art and modern dynam-ics of digitalization progress. And sometimes a simple mobile phone, like mine, can be powerful enough to help reach this goal and make people open their minds and eyes wider. I consider myself as an underground digital futuristic warrior or just a skilled pretender that wants to show people that you do not have to be born super talented or gifted to be a creator. You just need to have a great wish of learning skills to create something. We are living in the world of arrays of mistakes in almost every sphere of our life. So, I decided to choose a direction that is based on-ly on visual & algorithm defects and mistakes, because there is only one cradle for balance and harmony, which is - chaos.'


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