Andjela Milenkovic
Andjela Milenkovic Artist Bio Born in Serbia, where since I was four years old, I started expressing myself as a young artist, always imaginative. Funny enough, all of the drawings I made as a child have been collected. Grew up as a nomad. Traveling from city to country, looking for what we could find closer to home. I could say that all that traveling and overflow of different cultures and surroundings inspired me to immortalize memories, the beauty of the world, it’s nature. Photographs and poetry. As I grow I remain a nomad at heart, and everywhere I look there is new inspiration. I graduated from Altos de Chavon (Art School Affiliated to Parsons in the Dominican Republic) where I studied Fine Arts, Visual Communication, Interior Design and Art Direction for Film. I studied the movement and the concentration flow of visual elements in combination with interesting ways of telling a story. As a benefit from that, I have been part of several collective exhibitions, where one of them used my creative idea as a concept and theme and another was a competition where my work of art won the first place. There’s also a chapter in my life when I lived in Florence, Italy and studied the beauty of Analog Photography, Alternative Photography and Etching at Firenze Arts Visive. I wanted to grow as a visual artist and worked in the movie industry for a while, which lead me to New York Film Academy, where I studied Music Video making and 3D design. As a modern artist, I never get satisfied with my artistic knowledge. I am in love with each and every way of self expression, I love to refer to it as Visual Poetry, which is why all of my pieces go along with a little bit of my own writings. Sharing little bits of my self, connecting emotionally, awakening consciousness. Artist Statement I believe that as an artist I am an explorer. Never satisfied, never limited, in constant discovery of new ways to develop an idea, different techniques for creation, combination of color palettes and materials; more and more inspiration, more and more conceptual thoughts, coming from the subconscious endless mind, psychology of dreams and the wonderful and creative mother nature! I had a teacher once that asked me why do I paint using so many different techniques, none of my artworks look the same! She showed me the paintings of the rest of the students wanting me to paint somehow like them. As I admired their work, I noticed that they all looked the same, even though they came from different people. I didn’t want that in my work. I wanted to be as free as I can be. To play around with any type of material, any medium I could! Revealing photographs on weird recycled paper! If art is the only door that points towards the freedom of the soul, why not take advantage of that freedom? Build my own world! Anything I feel like doing! Because it’s all about the feelings in the end. Art is emotion. The artists that inspire me most are Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Dalí, Yakov Agam and Duaiv. The movements that inspire me are Abstract Expressionism, Impressionism and Post Impressionism, Fauvism, Op and Pop Art.