Paula Aarts
Paula Aarts
Paula Aarts Paula Aarts is a female artist, living in the Netherlands, but she could live and work anywhere on this planet like a bohemian. She was educated as an art teacher, and after graduation, life took her in different directions. Just after finishing art-school she had some exhibitions, and she gave drawing lessons. She lived in Turkey for several years, and is still in love with the nature, the (art)-history and the kind people of this country. But she also did touristic tours as a tourguide and made some creative holidays within Europe, like in Italy and France. Anywhere she goes, she takes her pencils and paint and her creativity with her. When she was young, she designed her own clothes, and painted on walls or any surface that was available. During the years, active painting was on the background, untill she get inspiration again by a Dutch painter where she followed some workshops a few years ago. Back to her roots, but the creativity never left, like she put it in work, photography, teaching. Travelling is after painting a second passion, but because of lockdowns and travelbans, she started painting on a daily basis since the start of the pandemic. She loves working with colours, mainly with acrylicpaint, sometimes in combination with photo’s, fabrics or natural things like leaves or flowers. Most of her paintings have a message. View on art: Making art is not the goal, enjoying the process is. The most beautiful compliment she can get on her work is when people say they are touched by her art, that they can feel the emotions. The main theme she likes to paint about is: dreams, feelings, emotions, and transform them into colours, shapes and materials. With her art she wants to deliver a message and leave a footprint of her personality. Currently her work is seen in: \t Plogix-gallery, international online Art Gallery. \t Luna Art Gallery (Luna Sanat Galerisi) Istanbul- Turkiye. \t Culturage, Maastricht- The Netherlands.