Sarah Grebe
Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Sarah is an emerging artist who has stud-ied with the Milan Art Institute based in the United States. Grebe’s paintings bring a touch of whimsy and imagination. She is interested in how visual and psychological symbolism dovetail to communicate themes of love, curiosity, wonder, and spiritual introspection. Her art incorporates vivid colors and imagery to evoke imaginary dream worlds. Grebe’s work was mostly recently shown at a local Northern California exhibit and fundraiser, Al-tered Scores. Her work featured mixed media and collage, incorporating antique musical sheets from the 1920s.
I have spent most of my life working in the corporate and business world, so I am interest-ed in exploring my creative side to complement that part of my life. I am fascinated by those quiet moments before sleep when dreamlike images come to mind and capturing those moments in my work. Evoking an emotional response is always my motivation. Why do certain images come to mind and how do they come together to in ways that you would not normally see in daily life? I am constantly fascinated by the artistic process, ex-ploring the subconscious mind and how these dream-like images come to life on canvas.