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Life companion



Title: Life companion Year: 2019 Media: Pastel drawing on pastelmat paper Size: 50x 70 cm Artistic Statement: The artwork "Life Companion" aims to bring out forgotten emotions or hidden feelings related to a natural behavior of a predator in relation to human projection of pets. A lot of humans have lost the connection with nature due to the privilege of not having to deal with the reality that mother nature would provide if our basic needs were not easily satisfied in society. In the artwork, the dog can be seen as a link between the human with a loss of connection with nature, and the bird -a trophy who´s a creation by mother earth. The dog is an innocent gentle human's best friend and also a predator with a natural behavior to hunt. Predators and hunting always evoke a lot of different feelings in people. For some it's almost an art form and for others the human as a predator is a lost memory hidden deep inside. Artist: Therese Åhlund

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