David Solanilla Mejía
David Solanilla Mejía I am a plastic artist who creates abstract paintings. My visual proposal presents reflections on the environments, both the natural and the urban. It is an artistic search that aims to interpret a vast world that surrounds man, an aesthetic atmosphere that implants the notion of a space in which the gaze should get lost and where the pictorial dimension embraces the spectators and allows them to enjoy an experience of forms intertwined among colors and lines –indivisible images created when the gaze is lost in the painting. I normally use very large formats as this allows me to give dimension to the sensations that I want to generate: stroked color jungles and faintly revealed structures. Nature, as well as the city, are represented on large canvas to suggest the idea of vastness, enormity and power in order to lose oneself within the poetic horizons of the image. In my paintings I remove the motif’s form with the objective of representing non-literal elements and that nature and the city become more a sensory perception of the whole figurative atmosphere than a lineal and figurative interpretation, and that the image of spaces around people --in these nature and urban environments-- be generated by a meta-linguistic apprehension of the mental forms already existent. It is more a poetic than a direct work, more metaphoric than illustrative; it is mostly the inexorable feeling that the world, in one way or another, is hard to discern and grasp in its vastness.