Karla Peralta Málaga
Art Curator
Karla Peralta Málaga
Art Curator
Laureanda Magistrale in Storia dell’arte. Sapienza Università di Roma.
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Specialty Printmaking. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
JAN 2009 - APR 2012
Instituto Peruano de Arte y Diseño. Lima - Peru.
1 year graphic design program. Curses: Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Premiere, Indesign, Corel.
MAR 2011 - NOV 2011
Museo de Arte de Lima. MALI. Lima - Peru.
Different Courses from the Cultural Management Program, such as: Cultural politics, Cultural legislation, Designing cultural projects and Economy and culture.
MAR 2009 - AUG 2011
Aranwa. Centro de Formación Actoral. Lima - Peru.
2 year dramatic arts program: Performing arts. Dramaturgy and playwriting. Theatre direction.
And several art and drama workshops.
Work experience:
OCT 2020 - current
INTERNSHIP. Galleria Micro Arti Visive. Rome. Gallery collaborator and video editor.
OCT 2019 - MAR 2020
INTERNSHIP. Palazzo del Quirinale. Rome. Tour Guide.
JAN 2019
INTERNSHIP. Istituto Centrale per la Grafica con Marina Bindella. Rome. Printmaking activity and art exhibition.
FEB 2017 - JUL 2018
Colegio Peruano Britanico. Lima - Peru.
Art teacher. Elementary and Secondary.
DEC 2012 - OCT 2016
Costa Crociere. Genova.
Photographer and Sales Assistant. Amazing european onboard experience.
JUN 2012 - SEP 2012
Instituto Peruano de Arte y Diseño. Lima - Peru.
Academic tutor in IPAD. In charge of art syllabus content. Follow student's academic development.
NOV 2011 - MAR 2012
Doppler – Integral Communication. Lima - Peru.
Photographer and Graphic designer.
And participated in different art exhibitions as an artist and also experience in performing arts.