Yolanda Antal
Yolanda Antal Yolanda Antal, sculptor and painter, combines in her bronze sculpture hand painting, in a new concept and technique and creates life into the metal. Yolanda sculpts in an innovative way of classical and contemporary style put together in a new concept with plenty of colours. Her art works mainly describe the woman figure, as she appears in history, mythology, legends, bible, and literature, and finds that the mutual stereotype of the women is seduction. For example: Eve and Adam from the bible, Pandora from Mythology, the mermaids who seduced with their voice, singing to the sailors at sea, until they got lost, Cleopatra who seduced the Roman Caesars, Marilyn Monroe as a symbol of sex and her tragic end… Many times women are connected to fertility and nature, like in Yolanda’s sculpture flora, goddess of fertility fauna and flora. Yolanda in her sculptures deals also with the connection between humanity and nature and the necessity of harmony between them as in the sculpture “Fantasy in colours”, the women butterfly and the sculpture “Symbiosis”. Yolanda Antal studied in Italy Bologna at the “Accademia di belle arti” and art and theatre at the Hebrew university in Jerusalem. A member of the Israeli artists and sculptors association Yolanda Antal exhibited her art in several exhibitions, Galleries and museums, all over the world; Israel, New York, Toronto, Paris, Las Vegas, Roma, Milano, Bologna, Palermo, Venezia, Firenze, Barcelona, London, Vienna, Edinburg and more.