Chika Shinoda
Chika Shinoda was born in Tokyo in 1987.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, she became aware of the "sense of discomfort" in the world.
Her works sometimes have a dark atmosphere in line with reality, and sometimes have a colorful atmosphere that depicts her ideal future. Using collage and mixed media tech-niques, she uses her sense of discomfort as the basis for her art to convey the awareness and inspiration she has experienced in her personal life as a necessary message for the world today and in the future.
Her passion for her work can be felt in her powerful, impactful texture.
In July of the same year, he was awarded the sponsorship prize at the World Painting Awards Exhibition, and his work was exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
From May to July 2021, she will participate in the Selected Artists Exhibition at Ginza Gal-lery, and then focus on local exhibitions and posting her works on SNS.
Currently participating in a group exhibition in Taiwan as of Aug. 26.
Several exhibitions are coming up from September, including overseas.