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My work is designed to confine something beautiful and something I do not want to forget. It is natural that everything, human beings, animals, beautiful colors and lovely memories, will eventually decay, change form and transform into the next life. My painting stems from a desire not to forget. I paint to contain something beautiful, as if I am praying that it will stay this way forever. Eventually, everyone will forget each other and die, but I believe that art can do this by capturing just that moment of feeling that is beautiful and giving it an eternal prayer.
In college, I studied Japanese painting, a traditional Japanese painting technique. One characteristic of Japanese painting when compared to oil painting is that the surface has a dry texture due to the painting materials used. The fixative (glue) used in this technique does not coat the surface of each pigment, so the color and texture of the paint itself can be seen, which I found attractive. Although I have now shifted my technique from analog to digital, the dry texture and the roughness of the particles that I was attracted to through Japanese painting still remain a large part of my means of expression.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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